Adrian is a bilingual native US-American voice talent and actor. His second native language is Latin American Spanish (Chile) and since living in Germany, he also speaks German. As a Brooklyn-born New Yorker, Chilean and Spanish, he is also considering taking German citizenship. He believes that a home is not a place, but a feeling. As an actor in Germany, he is on stage and in front of the camera for film and television. As a voice talent aka Lord of the Rings, he has realized worldwide campaigns for Audi. As a father, he gets in trouble if he doesn't use trick voices when reading aloud, whether in German, English or Spanish, it doesn't matter, little Amelie and little Leon (named after enchanting French movies) now understand all three languages. Unfortunately, this means that he no longer has a "secret language" with his wife, and soon the alternative spelling will not work either, since Amelie has been a schoolchild for a few months. Breathe in. Breathe out. And relax.
Language: English (USA)
Voice age: young-middle
Pitch: medium
Location: Germany
Dialects: USA-Mid-Atlantic, USA-NY, USA-Southern
Foreign language: German (GER)
Specials: multilingual, trick voices/cartoon voices
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