Alex is a native British voice talent. Born in London and raised on the English East Coast, he moved to Germany in 2000. With extensive experience as an English voice actor, Alex works in the fields of advertising, corporate films, documentaries, e-learning, audioguides, apps, and more. He received his training at the Actors Studio in London, which enables him to speak neutral British English. What sets Alex apart is his versatility. He excels in a wide range of character roles and can portray various voices, ranging from youthful to elderly, representing different countries and regions. He masters different styles, be it quirky, sly, ironic, whispering, cheerful, friendly, epic, or even angry. At the same time, his convincing voice conveys clarity and seriousness. With his strong vocal presence, Alex exudes trustworthiness, inspiration, and soothing reassurance.
Language: English (UK)
Voice age: middle
Pitches: low, medium
Locations: Berlin, Hamburg
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