Anú Anjuli Sifkovits is Austrian actress and voice artist. Born in sunny Burgenland, she grew up on the palm-rich beaches of Goa. In 2012 she completed her acting training in Vienna with distinction and state diploma. Since then she has been working in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland. Her engagements led her, among others to Wiener Festwochen, to the Vienna State Opera, to the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater Görlitz-Zittau, to the KK Telegraph Office Vienna, to the Philharmonie Luxembourg, to the Stadttheater Baden, to the Theater Drachengasse Wien, to the Kosmos Theater Vienna, to the Theater Kosmos Bregenz , to the Castle Theater Traun and the Summer Theater Winterthur as well as to the lake festival Mörbisch. She has worked with directors such as Peter Konwitschny, Paulus Manker, Nina Kupczyk, Dorotty Szalma, Klaus Arauna, Axel Köhler, Augustin Jagg, Daniel Pascal or Otto Brusatti. Her voice can be heard in numerous TV, radio and cinema spots as well as in corporate films and radio plays. One of her great wishes is to speak a cartoon character someday.

Translated with
Language: German (AUT)
Voice age: young-middle
Location: Vienna
Dialects: AUT-Burgenland area, AUT-Viennese
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