Bart is a native Dutch voice artist, born and raised in Amsterdam and now living in the heart of the Netherlands. Bart has had an ear for acting, singing, and language since he was a boy At the age of 13, he did his first voice-over for Dutch television, voicing a group of 16 Moldovan foster children. During his studies in health sciences, he acted in classical and contemporary plays with an independent Amsterdam theater group, a passion he continued while working later as a project manager and consultant, translating complex information into understandable language. In 2019, Bart decided to focus entirely on voice-over projects. He excels at delivering serious content in an accessible tone and enjoys infusing scripts with a lively, natural feel. Bart is often referred to as a versatile language genius for his ability to adapt his voice seamlessly to meet his clients' needs. One could certainly describe him as a language enthusiast. Outside the studio, Bart enjoys spending time with his wife and three children, sharing good Porter or Stouts with friends, and occasionally playing the piano or volleyball.
Language: Dutch
Voice age: middle
Pitch: medium
Location: Netherlands
Dialects: NL-Limburg, NLD-Amsterdam, NLD-Frisian, NLD-The Hague
Foreign language: English
Special: vocalist
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