Dirc is a German voice talent and actor. He completed his acting training at the HdK over 20 years ago and was active on stage directly afterwards. He has performed at the HAU, the Barracke/Deutsches Theater and many other Berlin off-stages. Mostly, however, he stood in front of the camera and played in productions such as 'Ein Fall für Zwei', 'Wolffs Revier', 'Cobra 11', 'Medicopter', 'Der Ermittler', 'Ein starkes Team', 'Tatort'. Most recently in the TV films 'Bodycheck', 'Wilsberg' and the international cinema film 'T-34'. For several years he has also been heard as a voice actor in a wide variety of films and series ( including 'Star Wars', 'Rogue1', 'Neck over Head, 'Zoomania', 'Batman', 'House of Cards 1-5', 'Homeland 1-5′,'Wonder Woman'. Dirc's voice artist repertoire also includes commercials, documentaries/voiceovers, radio plays, image films and games. Dirc lives in Berlin.
Language: German (GER)
Voice age: middle
Pitch: medium
Location: Berlin
Dialects: GER-Berlin, GER-Northern German
Special: trick voices/cartoon voices
Dubbing voices: Eric Lange, Eugene Brave Rock, Jimmy Gonzales, Kevin Hachard, Marvin Krondon Jones, Paul Biddies, Richard T. James
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