Felix Würgler is a German-Swiss actor and narrator, living and working in Berlin. He started as an actor on various theatres with permanent engagements. Since 2008 he has dedicated himself to his own theatre projects and has successfully used his voice in the studio and at events for more than 25 years. Initially for radio and radio stations, for readings, radio plays, live presentations, commercials and much more. Since 2010, Felix Würgler's main focus has been as a voice actor, especially in the dubbing sector. He lends his sonorous voice to characters in countless cinema and television productions ("HELIX", "Homeland", "2012: Supernova", "Tracers", "Falling Skies", "Doctor Who"). He also speaks voiceover for documentaries and features (SWR2, ARD, ZDF, KiKa, MTV, Sat1), corporates and characters in numerous video games.