joanna lemonnier is a voice actress for german, french and english language. born in cherbourg/france as daughter of a german mother and a french-british father, the family moved to germany when joanna was 6 years old. she attended german-french schools until she went to london after her anglistics studies in strasbourg to work there and to complete a ba-study of performing arts. after her studies she was active as a voice actress and director for commercials. in 2010 she moved to berlin, where she started her career as tv-journaist and producer for the news channel "press-tv". as a voice artist joanna is in charge of commercials, podcasts, audioguides, online language courses, dubbing and gamelocalization in german, french and english.

Translated with
Languages: English (UK), French (FRA), German (GER)
Voice age: middle
Pitch: medium
Location: Berlin
Special: multilingual
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