Manfred Lehmann, aka John McClane aka the Jackal aka Obelix, is the German voice of Bruce Willis and Gérard Depardieu. The saying: "Yippie Yah Yei Schweinebacke" from "Die Hard" has become his trademark. He also dubs Dolph Lundgren, Kurt Russell and James Woods. In the movie "The Patriot" he lent his voice to Steven Seagal, in "Shrek" he spoke the role of Larry King as Doris and was also in action for Bill Murray, Anthony Quinn and Mickey Rourke. As a German actor he was represented in numerous TV and film productions: "Tatort", "Ein Fall für Zwei", "Geheimcode Wildgänse", "Der Schnüffler" and "Alles Atze". His striking voice can also be heard in commercials, radio plays and documentaries.

Language: German (GER)
Voice age: middle-older
Pitches: low, medium
Location: Berlin
Dubbing voices: Anthony Quinn, Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Christopher Lambert, Dolph Lundgren, Gerard Depardieu, James Woods, John Belushi, Kurt Russel, Larry King, Michael Madsen, Mickey Rourke, Peter Weller, Rutger Hauer, Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes, Willem Dafoe
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