Marco is a German voice talent, musician, and actor. His joy in diversity and transformation shines through all facets of his artistic work. In the world of audiobooks, he has made a name for himself as the narrator of the best-selling "Red Rising" saga by Pierce Brown. Most recently, he has recorded works such as "Selve - Torn Lives" by Melanie Bottke, recommended by Ivar Leon Menger (Monster 1983, Ghostbox), "Iasanara - The Guard General of the Elven King" by A.v.G. Koopmans, and "Primeval Worlds" by Thomas Halliday. He is also widely recognized as a voice actor in films, series, anime, and video games, as well as for his contributions as a station voice on radio and television (Sky, ZDFinfo, Deutschlandfunk Nova, RTL). In 2018, he appeared on the TV show "X Factor" at Sky with his experimental, genre-crossing music project "Reptil" and was a personal favorite of juror Jennifer Weist (Yaenniver, Jennifer Rockstock)
Language: German (GER)
Voice age: young-middle
Pitch: medium
Location: Berlin
Foreign language: English
Special: vocalist

original photo © Julia Klotz

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