markus sulzbacher is a german voice artist with austrian roots. He obtained his first linguistic proficiency in internal language training at the Austrian radio station Antenne Steiermark and Antenne Kärnten, after Vera Balser Eberle. In addition, in 2012 he started acting training at the actor factory berlin. He had previously worked for various radio stations as a station voice, an announcer for features and comedy and also developed his own broadcasting format. Meanwhile, he has established himself as advertising voiceover, likes to talk about dokus, audiobooks and has taken on quantity and small dubbing roles in Gray's anatomy.

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Language: German (GER)
Voice age: middle
Pitch: low
Location: Berlin
Dialects: AUT-Styrian, AUT-Tyrolian, AUT-Upper Austria, AUT-Viennese
Special: trick voices/cartoon voices
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