Megan is an English voice talent with a neutral, international accent and speaks both British and American English. Raised near the beach in Auckland, New Zealand, Megan was immersed in a love for words and languages from an early age. In her final year of high school, she studied German, English, Japanese, French, and Spanish. Megan completed her studies at the University of Auckland with a double major in English and German literature before embarking to Germany at the age of 21 on a Goethe scholarship. Following her acting studies in London, England, she moved to Berlin in 1993, drawn by the city's intensity after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Since then, she has worked as an actress and voice artist, collaborating with directors such as Wim Wenders, Margarethe von Trotta, Hal Hartley, Hannes Stoehr, Andreas Prochaska, and Soeren Kragh-Jacobsen. Her voice work ranges from commercials and corporate videos to museum audio guides, documentaries, and art projects.Megan possesses a distinctive, resonant voice that lends depth, authority, and soul to her work. At the same time, she enjoys laughter and brings a cheerful demeanor that allows her to adapt her voice for more lighthearted and playful projects.
Language: English (UK)
Voice age: middle-older
Pitches: low, medium
Location: Berlin
Dialect: UK/US-Mid Atlantic
Foreign language: German (GER)
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