Nell is a German voice talent with a multifaceted life story. Originally from Germany, she emigrated to Egypt with her parents before embarking on her artistic journey. She initially studied acting in St. Petersburg and later pursued art at the Berlin University of the Arts (KHB). Her acting career spans across theater, cinema, and television, with active involvement in various productions. Alongside her studies in painting, she initially worked as a model and dancer. In a manner akin to the renowned Charles Bukowski, she sustained herself through various side gigs, including working in a salami factory, dishwashing at the Swiss Embassy, and directing parking at the Berlin Olympic Stadium. Nell entered the world of film dubbing with a leading role and successfully continued her career as a voice artist. Her voice is incredibly versatile, ranging from 4 to 40 years, and her timbre allows for a wide range of performances. Much like her journey, Nell exudes vitality, spirit, and humor, bringing a keen intuition and attention to her work. More recently, she has recorded songs in the studio and released her debut EP 'Highway to Nell,' produced by Marc Elsner and Ralf Goldkind (Lucilectric, Nina Hagen, Die Fantastischen Vier). In addition, she independently produced the music video 'Bonnie.