Sebastian  is a German voice talent and actor. He completed his acting training at the University of the Arts in Berlin. Sebastian played continuous roles in the Netflix production "Dogs of Berlin" and in SKY's "Acht Tage". He also performs in the theater. Most recently, Sebastian stood on stage for the British BBC's arena spectacle "Walking with Dinosaurs" in the lead role in numerous arenas such as the Mercedes Benz Arena, Berlin or the LANXESS Arena, Cologne and toured Europe-wide. His repertoire ranges from classical theater (Don Carlos, Romeo and Juliet) to comedies (Ladies Night) to musicals such as the Udo Lindenberg musical "Hinterm Horizont" the worldwide successful "Linie1" in the original production of the Berlin GRIPS Theater or "Falco - The Musical 2024" as Manager of Falco. In the commercial field, he has been the face and voice for numerous campaigns. When Sebastian is not on stage or in front of the camera, he voices image films, explainer films, documentaries, voice over, dubbing and of course commercials. And those who know him, know that he likes boulettes, Eisern Union and metal...and does from time to time the TV stunts himself.
Language: German (GER)
Voice age: young-middle
Pitches: low, medium
Location: Berlin
Dialects: GER-Berlin, GER-Saxon
Foreign language: English
Special: vocalist

original photo © Martina Thalhofer

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