Sebastian is a native German voice talent, lives in Cologne and works as an off-voice for TV and online commercials, image films, documentaries or as a changeable character for dubbing and games. Already as a child he had made films with his friends in Rhineland-Palatinate, acted and recorded the "Sebastian Show" with his cassette recorder. Although Sebastian had developed a certain preference for acting creatively with his voice and had also taken part in workshops during his school years, he nevertheless decided to become a media designer for image and sound with the aim of making films and directing them. It came as it had to: After a few successfully recorded layout texts as a freelance editor, which were followed by absolutely positive feedback and engagements, the time had come. After a few successfully recorded layout texts as a freelance editor, which were followed by absolutely positive feedback and orders, the time had come. Sebastian focused on speech training and took lessons on text and role work with acting professor Suzanne Ziellenbach, followed by acting work with film and theater coach Prof. Christoph Hilger as well as Hanfried Schüttler, dubbing training with Peter Minges as well as acting and text work with dubbing actor Tom Vogt. Since then he has been using his robust, distinctive and warm voice full-time. He also plays guitar, sings and writes his own songs, preferably in the genre of punk, pop, rock and grunge. Is an actor in an acting group of the Theaterakademie Köln and sings in the choir DCDDP - “Der Chor, der donnerstags probt” (The chor that practices on Thursdays).

Language: German (GER)
Voice age: young-middle
Pitch: medium
Locations: Berlin, Cologne
Dialects: GER-Bavarian, GER-Cologne
Foreign language: English
Special: vocalist

original photo © Stephen Petrat

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