Tomas is a British voice talent and actor. Born in Leeds, UK, he completed his education with a BA (Hons) in Theatre and Performance with Visual Arts at the University of Plymouth. He has lived in Switzerland, Austria, and the UK, and is now based in Berlin, Germany. As an actor, he recently appeared in Constellation (Apple TV series), Soko Stuttgart: “Wir sind nicht allein” (ZDF series), Passport to Freedom, The Tutor, and Lindenberg! Mach Dein Ding!. He has also performed on various theater stages, including the English Theatre Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Hong Kong Fringe, Friends of Italian Opera Berlin, and several others. As a voice actor, he lends his voice commercials, documentaries, audiobooks, and corporate films, among other projects.
Language: English (UK)
Voice age: middle
Pitch: medium
Location: Berlin
Dialects: AUS-Australian, IRL-Irish, UK-Cockney, UK-Scottish
Foreign language: German (GER)
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